I’ve heard it said that the men in this area (western NC) are not like other men in the US. These guys are fully armed, they do not like what the US government is up to, and they FIGHT BACK, taking no shit from these fraudster “authorities” who deliberately tried to interfere with the good people of North Carolina trying to help those in need after the geo-engineered “hurricane” that caused thousands of people to lose their lives, family members, pets, and property.
Enough of this shit. It is high time the rest of this fully armed population stand up and direct their anger at those who are responsible for the ongoing evil!!! These scumbags are trying to instigate a civil war. DON’T FALL FOR IT!!! Direct your weapons at those who are responsible for deliberately trying to destroy us and this country. Start with those at the top of the US government since, if they are not jews themselves, they are bought and paid for by the jews to do jewish bidding.
And if you don’t know what I’m talking about when I mention “jewish bidding”, please see here.
PS - I’m pretty damn sure the insane flooding in western NC was NOT from extreme rain but rather deliberately caused by opening dams for the express purpose of killing people.
Source Article Here
US emergency workers ‘hunted by militia’ – WaPo
A federal agency reportedly briefly pulled its personnel out of a county in North Carolina last week
Federal employees responding to the devastation caused by Hurricane Helene in Rutherford County, North Carolina, were threatened last week by militias and had to temporarily pull out, the Washington Post reported on Sunday.
An email sent on Saturday by an official with the US Forest Service, which assists the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), advised federal responders to “stand down and evacuate the county immediately,” the newspaper said. The warning came after members of the National Guard claimed to have come across what they called “trucks of armed militia saying there [sic] were out hunting FEMA.”
The Post reported two federal officials confirmed to it that the message was authentic. The newspaper stressed that it was not clear how serious the threat was assessed to be.
One of the sources said employees were moved to a “safe area,” which resulted in recovery work being put on hold in the area. Personnel were back in place by Sunday afternoon, the officials, who spoke to the newspaper on condition of anonymity, added.
Journalist Brianna Sacks, who bylined the story, later published on her X account a message claiming that a firefighter crew had been instructed to avoid certain areas on the border between North Carolina and Tennessee “due to communities being governed by armed militias” there.
The Post described the incident in Rutherford County as the latest example of security issues in western North Carolina. In the two weeks since Hurricane Helene ravaged parts of the state, “misinformation and rumors have made the recovery more difficult,” the reports stated, claiming that some locals were refusing to cooperate with federal officials…
The Appalachian region of the US…has a long history of anti-federal sentiment.
Read full article here
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