Dear friends,
I’m sharing this New Years message from Gertjan Zwiggelaar because it raises several important points. Let’s intend for 2024 to be the year of the great turnaround — the year when the majority of Mankind wake up to the true nature of the jew and the threat that these creatures pose to all living things on Earth. May this year also bring KARMA and spiritual boomerangs such that every evil thing this wicked bunch has unleashed on this Earth comes back to them immediately and serves only to weaken and destroy them and empower those of us who are of The Good.
Happy 2024 everyone. Enjoy the read!
People think they are so smart. They have been ‘educated’. They believe they were taught the truth and are literate beings. Alas, the agenda of the kike controlled public fool (sic) system is to dumb the goyim down so they actually believe bull shit and when Truth looks them in the face, the masses have been indoctrinated to turn the other way.
A smart macaw can learn up to 800 words and actually use them in context. Crows and ravens are renowned for their cleverness. Truth be known, those ‘bird brains’ are working a lot better than a lot of human brains. A lot of human beings don’t use more than 800 words, fumble spelling, can’t write a coherent paragraph, let alone be able to identify a paragraph from a sentence; some of mine can be the length of what the average humanoid would consider to be a paragraph but is merely a sentence; a string of words with a common linked thread.
Crows can figure out complex puzzles which takes most human children up to the age of 7 to figure out. And yet, human beings speak derogatively about ‘bird brains.’ As I stated, some of those birds are smarter than some humans.
Now, given all that, it is no wonder that human beings parrot the nonsense regarding the most advanced experiment in human organization to achieve the divine goal; Paradise on Earth and good will to all men and women, children, animals, fish…. National Socialism worked because there was one leader, one folk and one nation. Adolf Hitler stated very clearly that the buck stopped on his desk and if he messed up, the people had every right to depose him or even execute him if his mistakes were egregious enough. Adolf Hitler, in my opinion was the second coming the Christians keep harping about but have no clue of because they wouldn’t recognize the other great one whom the entity hates and riles about ALL the time. Adolf Hitler and Jesus of Nazareth, the two most feared beings rattling about in the kike’s brain, whether you believe in one or the other is inconsequential. You can believe what you want, practice rituals as you see fit, jump up and down and wave a fist, whatever, just do it under your own fruit tree.
We are at war with an identifiable enemy. There is no time anymore to quibble about scribblings from thousands of years ago, some of them true and others not so much. The war is hot. We are being murdered by the thousands per day. The agenda of the international parasite has been clearly spelled out. Indeed, the Communist Manifesto and the elaboration thereof in the infamous Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion puts it as clearly as is necessary to show us what lies in store unless we act ASAP and begin rounding up every tentacle of the parasite and charge them with hate crime for a start. Haul every kike into a court of Gentiles. Let them bring their shysters but let us be very clear. WE do not expect anything less than they be sentenced to death. Give them a choice, bullet or rope. Since we would charge them for the bullet, most of the parasites will chose a rope. We are at war. The jew is the enemy. Not just this jew or that jew. They are all in on the agenda to take over this blue planet, destroy it utterly and then move on to another place where they can wreak their havoc and destroy, destroy, and destroy some more since that is what gives the kike his special jollies. Well, I for one think it is high time we act and begin the necessary business; bloody as it will be, but it is necessary if we are going to save ourselves and our planet.
Begin by boycotting everything jewish. Boycott Israhell. Boycott all jewish businesses. Shut jews out everywhere. Get them out of your governments, your education systems, your hospitals and courts. Send them all packing out of your communities. If you don’t want to kill them right away then give them passage to a recommissioned single hull tanker and send them out to sea where they will have to fend for themselves and create their third temple on the bridge and no nation on the planet will grant them a birth in a port or harbour.
We are at war and now is the time to fight back. We are at the end of an old year full of strife, all because we let the chicken swingers out of their cage and let them take over the show. The entity needs to be gone and Adolf Hitler and his friends showed us a way; a way which worked for a few glorious years. Alas, the ‘zombies’, the ‘monsters’ form the body politic and they helped to gang up on Germany until she was overwhelmed. The very same zombies and monsters are still with us and are so indoctrinated they are useless to our movement.
It’s too bad ‘we’ are spread so far and wide around the planet are there enough of us anywhere to form an army? It isn’t easy being a lone wolf. But, if that is how it has to be, so be it. Individual actions can lead to collective actions in the right circumstances. Let’s make the new year the year of right circumstances.
Gertjan Zwiggelaar -