Mar 22·edited Mar 22Liked by BirthofaNewEarth

Thank you, your assessment relative to the 4/8 upcoming “event” is extraordinary. My husband has seen a huge increase in police/military presence here in our South Florida community. Of late, I am only embracing a select few that choose to learn, so as to maintain my own equilibrium. Here’s my life story in a nutshell, of which I don’t care to spend energy sharing anymore unless, once again, the individual “qualifies.” Clearly, you certainly do: I had an NDE childhood swimming accident and as such, ‘am well versed regarding NDE’s, of which, can be rather complicated. From this, I know mine has been a divinely orchestrated life path. Born in 1952, 52’s and the reverse: 25’s have been incredible synchronistic sign posts for me from the moment of conception. To wit: 5 men asked me to marry, 2 became fiancés, however, the synchronistic way in which I would eventually meet my former fiber optic technician/former Church Elder in an End times religion bonafide soul mate if ever there is one, has created incredible consciousness/spiritual growth and maturity on his part and mine. Since respectfully leaving our religion 26 years ago, I have gone on from there, have become an intuitive investigative researcher of world trends a total of 47 years. I am also a retired holistic practitioner turned medical intuitive 36 years total. I have written on the topic of miracle co-creation and hosted a gratis mini course most of 2023. I had to take a much needed breather to keep from burning out altogether because, in part, my husband and I supported dozens upon dozens since 2020, some to their tragic untimely passing. having not heeded our kindly warning (I know you know what I mean). Additionally, I wrote a brief comment here about ten days ago, we are the care takers of a wholly self funded animal rescue sanctuary. What appealed to me about your chosen mission title is the fact my own research has revealed indeed, we are on the threshold of the “birth of a new earth.” Kind regards, Kat 😺

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That is beautiful that you run an animal rescue sanctuary. I have to confess -- part of "prep" for this upcoming event is to purchase alot of dog and cat food. I have one cat, but there are literally dozens of dogs in this area belonging to "vaccinated" people who may simply croak in a moment's notice. I am super worried about the animals and want to have something prepared in case they need help. I've also been feeding feral cats for decades and have long thought about creating an animal sanctuary myself, but my life has taken a different path.

Anyway, thanks for your comment, for sharing part of your story, and for wonderful work you are doing.

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Mar 22Liked by BirthofaNewEarth

Perhaps as opportunity affords it, I will share valuable insights with you, to do with as you so choose. First, for now, I applaud your strong desire to have pet food on hand in the event your otherwise tragically unwitting neighbors pass away as a direct result of the upcoming possible 4/8 event, or as a result of the fact my research has shown the “potion” is likely enveloped within a time release mechanism, of which hubby and I have seen firsthand among several. Yet, when I cannot prove something, I use words such as “likely.” Another topic altogether, though: sadly animals, like we humans, can be “shed on” by the potion takers of the world, of this I am totally certain. Hence, while I no longer give advice of any kind due to our bloodstreams having been wrecked havoc on as a result of “air pollution” in and of itself, I do recommend you remain careful regarding getting too close to animals with potion taker owners. Kind regards till a possible “next time”, Kat 😺

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Wow - sage advice! And how utterly sad for the animals.

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