For all you morons still waving your flags and thinking this sleezebag monster is going to make things better in America, WAKE UP!BirthofaNewEarth Substack is a reader-supported publication.
ohhhhh we are so fu ck ed 🤦🏻♀️ the problem is too is that the t r u m p LOVING "christians" think that the jooze are the chosen people 🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️ so they will go along with this monsters words and actions to usher in the new world disorder and protect the most evil race of ALL TIME. ohhh we are soooooooo fu ck ed 👹👹👹 this guy is DANGEROUS for our freedoms and i saw RIGHT through it during the last selection.
Exactly Jamie. And there's billions of cuck Christians out there waving their flags and MAGA hats, walking through life completely mind-controlled and 100% supporting evil. It's very disturbing.
VERY disturbing indeed 😳 its a brilliant plan and executed well, so sad many are so fluoridated and cannot use discernment and critical minds, theyre under the spell, BIG TIME!!!
If only people would wake up. He should be talking about the drug companies and their poison. Instead he is not. I can remember him saying My administration will ensure there is tracking on land, sea and air. Well they did that with the jabbing by installing a damned operating system to not only maim and kill but to hybridize humanity. Evil, beyond evil. No excuses he knew what he was doing that is for sure, otherwise he would be speaking out. But I suppose that would certainly not get him in again. What level of death and destruction will it take for these pharma companies to be abolished. Instead they can play hybrids and some humans what is left of humanity like a computer sim in a game. Head over to Sabrina Wallace to understand the way the network of things works with controlling and manipulating humanity via the air waves. Remember who is king of the air, that's right lucifer, satan or whatever name him/it decides to run under. The biggest deceiver that there is out there.
Trump clearly wants to see all of Gentile humanity actually executed, read the substance of the Noahide Laws and what they really mean, listen to the demonic Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi stating how 6 BILLION Gentiles will be executed for 'idolatry' under those laws, the laws against idolatry being just one of the Noahide laws with a death penalty for contravening it, and bear in mind also that no Jew can be executed under any of those Noahide Laws even if any Jew contravenes any of them.
Since 1991, every POTUS has been required to sign approval for the Noahide Laws every year in the White House while in the association of several murderously ultra-racist Chabad Lubavitcher rabbis.
The intended genocidal mass-killing of Gentiles proposed by those laws can be initiated under Jewish law not only when any Jewish NWO one world government comes into being (though one already is largely in place and active unofficially already), but even during any period when Jews have sufficient political control in any individual nation at any particular time even before full Jewish world government is achieved.
A beta test of this program is what Stalin really put into effect along with Lenin and Trotsky earlier in Russia following the 1917 Rothschild banker initiated-and-funded Jewish Bolshevik military takeover of Russia.
Natty Rothschild funded an elite group of powerful news magnates and willing powerful politicians in England to instigate WWI (which can be understood to have really been intended to destroy Germany because it was the only nation then powerful enough in Europe at that time with sufficient industrial capacity and organized societal structure capable enough of stopping a simultaneously-planned Jewish Bolshevik Communist controlled military advance over Europe coming from Russia to enslave that too for the Jews at the same time.
Churchill stated that WWII was really instigated to complete the intended destruction of Germany that had been begun but not yet fully completed in WWI, and that it was really nothing to do with Hitler or National Socialism, and that even if Germany had been governed by a Jesuit, that war would still have been made on Germany by England in any case, of course by using any similar underhand means such as were used to push Germany into war against England, facts of which are presented very clearly in the book Hidden History: The Secret Origins of the First World War by Gerry Docherty and Jim MacGregor.
And WEF head Klaus Schwab, who recently 'officially' adopted a less senior position in the WEF, but who is still really head of the WEF, had a Jewish mother and possesses a bust of Lenin in his office, and also attends Holocaust memorial services to uphold the mass organized fakery on that issue.
What is proposed by the Jews including Trump, who Israel has voted in the past as the most supportive of all US presidents of the Noahide Law program, which, is nothing other a tyrannically dictatorial military dictatorship over the entire world fully designed to ultimately totally exterminate every single last Gentile on the entire planet.
Jewish world dictatorship under exterminatory Noahide Law is what the WEF Israeli government front organization really is in different wrapping. One has to ask if all those nutters wildly cheering in the crowd at Trump's Stalinist declaration in the video presented with this article are anything other than purposely-placed Jewish Mossad assistant sayanim shills.
The Talmud states openly that all Christians are to be killed by the Jews, and many so-called fundamentalist Christians are nothing other than crypto-Jews hysterically in defence of Israel and Judaism, which they must surely know intends only the mass extermination of all Christians on the entire planet.
The insanely arrogant Rabbi Mizrachi states gloatingly in an obscenely celebratory manner that there will be "No survivors" among the all of the Gentiles throughout the entire world.
Rabbi Mizrachi makes his statement with total anticipatory confidence that the full completion of the real Jewish agenda is about to be fulfilled.
This lust for total annihilation of all others by many Jews has already been openly revealed by recent events in Gaza and the open statements of many Jews there and elsewhere, and every other Gentile in the entire world is also fully intende to be exterminated by the Jewish religion, just as the Zohar very clearly and unambiguously states.
Then figure it out that if you are one of the Gentile people who do not like to see those genocidally mass-murderous Jewish Noahide Laws being very physically imposed on other Americans that Trump very strongly approves of being imposed to execute all members of all non-Jewish religions, even if you are a Gentile who is not a member one of those Gentile religions yourself, then you too will then automatically be physically executed after being automatically determined by the law that Trump proposes as being an antisemite, which Trump states here someone must face 'the ultimate penalty', 'the death penalty' alone for, when Trump introduces his genocidally murderous legislation against antisemitism if he gets to become POTUS.
The ridiculously postering Jewish Trump is clearly pathologically insane with his Stalin-like ravings for a death penalty for the alleged 'hate' and 'crime' of antisemitism.
Stalin was the last criminally insane terrorist dictator who imposed this same law throughout Soviet Russia, I feature photographs on my Substack site of Stalin dressed from head to toe in full Bukharian Jewish attire, kippah and all, in the association of openly-recognized known Jewish senior Bolshevik administration members similarly attired.
Stalin was a Jew, but most modern 'historians' cleverly conceal that fact due to the many millions of Gentiles he had put to death, concealing the fact especially of the many millions of Christians killed in Russia by him and Trotsky and Lenin, surely in accordance with Talmudic requirements that all Christians be killed.
Solzhenitsyn stated that 66 million people were killed in Russia by an 'alien invader' people who were not Russians themselves. Stalin carried on having Christians liquidated in Soviet Russia right through WWII right up till 1953 when he died.
Had Gentile American and British soldiers known the actual reality, they would never have fought against Germany under any leader, and especially not under the entirely deceptive and manipulative Jewish Churchill (whose mother was a New York Jewess named Jerome) or the similarly sinister and malevolent Jewish Roosevelt.
Stalin stated in the wording associated with his legislation against antisemitism that the law had been imposed because Judaism is both fundamental and essential to the Communist 'revolution'.
Rabbi Stephen Wise variously stated at various times that Marxism is nothing other than Judaism, and that Communism is nothing other than Judaism.
After WWII, the Kremlin initially wanted for the same death penalty law against antisemitism to be imposed in every nation in the world, but then considered it more practicable to impose this program by more surreptiious means more gradually in other ways to ensure its success without any possibility of open recognition and open armed opposition occurring, such as by concealing cures for cancer, by the introduction of highly damaging Jewish-designed GM synthetic mRNA food crops and Jewish-designed synthetic mRNA fake vaccine jabs etc.
Hence all the laws against 'antisemitism' and hence the utterly frenzied mind-numbing mass media campaign of mental bombardment against 'antisemitism' to mentally castrate the intended victims of the Jews.
In reality, using the term 'antisemitism' is a clever psychological ploy by the Jews, craftily making out that it is the intended Gentile victims of the Jews themselves to be the ones intending and initiating lethal hostility against the Jews.
Simple recognition of the clear facts that Judaism totally intends the total physical enslavement, subjugation, and ultimately the total physical extermination of all Gentiles on this entire planet and even that all Gentile souls are then intended to be sent to hell, can in no way justifiably be termed 'hate'.
The truth is, the Jewish religion since the very beginning has always intended the total physical extermination of all Gentiles on the planet.
Very callously, the Jews do not wish to share with any Gentiles as fellow beings in any physical or even spiritual terms for all eternity, and regard all of our souls merely as spiritually non-living matter that is eternally irredeemable and spiritually unconscious and even intrinsically demonic and hostile against all Jews. And the leaders of the Jews who they follow like Rabbi Mizrachi state these instructions of the Noahide Laws to be based very clearly in teachings found in the Torah, the original foundation scripture of Judaism.
Lenin insanely stated that 9 out of every 10 people in the world being killed in the course of imposing a Communist 'revolution' would be quite acceptable, Trotsky encouraged the development of ever more fiendishly sadistic, agonizingly painful and lengthy means of torture to the death. One torture wass 'Making Gloves', where someone's hands would be forced into boiling water till the flesh was cooked loose from the ligaments and tendons, then the hands were placed in a vice, then a knife drawn deeply around the wrists, then the hands yanked sharply out of the vice leaving the cooked flesh there, forming a pair of gloves, this being a torture which Trotsky said he particularly approved of, asking in one written communication then for even more painful and lengthy torures to be devised. This was a military attack against all of Gentile humanity there, using some conditioned Gentiles as weapons against others, as in the Pitesti Experiment in Romania ordered by Stalin, and never genuinely any intended reformation of society.
The WEF head, Klaus Schwab, who had a Jewish mother, despite all the Jewish stories about him being a 'Nazi', plots with his clearly psychotic Jewish principal advisor Noah Harari who wants to liquidate 7.5 billion members of humanity out of 8 billion (for starters), makes this proportion of those to be killed 15 out of every 16.
Remember that Lenin spoke his words around 100 years ago, when there was no phony excuse of global warming or of 'overpopulation' needing to be 'reduced' to 'save the world'.
To tidily complete all this Communist Jewish agenda of mass liquidation of Gentile humanity, the WEF plans and the Chabad Lubavitcher plans are synchronised as one to liquidate billions through the Noahide Laws under the Jewish-intended NWO that they are planning to be run from Jerusalem. These programs are one and the same plan under one and the same godless criminally insane nihilist invaders and usurpers of our nations and the whole planet.
Both Trump's parents died in a nursing home for Jewish people, he regularly attends Torah classes.
Trump's name is an anglicized version of the German Jewish Drumpf. The term 'humanity' used by the entirely grandiose and deceptive Trump in his cryptic Jewspeak is really designed only for the inner delight of Jews alone and really only refers to Jews alone as the sole genuine humanity on this planet, that is what Trump really means, that only Jews are human
Regarding Trump's warp speed Israeli bioweapon COVID death jab program:
Both hands and both feet have been chopped off from patients at the same time in both categories of vaxxed and unvaxxed as of course, the COVID 'vaxx' is the very source of the COVID itself whilst being maliciously and obscenely posed by our hostile 'foreign power' military occupation governments as the preventative for the same condition(s), all 1300 of so of them, that the vaxx itself actually causes and is surely meticulously designed to cause.
After all, a supercomputer can design 40,000 new deadly nerve gasses in just 6 hours, I think they likely used a similar type of programmer input with similar parameters to create the COVID jabs.
I think if they let the machines run for a few months solid, eventually they must surely come up with a jab for some disease without any 'side-effects' at all, yet the COVID jabs we are told were created by supercomputers in just 1.5 to 2.5 hours, and having obviously created something so very obviously damaging and otherwise even worse than not being effective in therapeutic terms after several shots, and in such a brief period of time, it just kind of slipped their minds to then reprogram the supercomputers in all the time since to really take their time next time and take even months or even longer to delete all similar 'errors' in programming and also prevent any damaging 'side-effects' at all then reoccurring through any future designs.
A lot of these illnesses are seen not just in 'COVID patients', but in people just after they have been 'vaxxed', but then again, Pfizer lists 'COVID pneumonia' as one of the side-effects associated with their COVID 'vaxx'.
Then Pfizer said these 1300 'side-effects' that a group of doctors used court action to force them to release publicly instead of them remaining secret for 75 years, which all genocidal NWO death cult complicit governments already knew about in the first place of course and STILL whacked those poisons into people's arms, are not side-effects at all, just something seen in their test subjects that they happened to have at the same time.
An Israeli military intelligence whistleblower has come forward to state that the Pfizer (military) ethnobomb COVID bioweapon jabs were never really tested out on Israeli Jews at all despite the deliberately deceptive heavy media campaign telling us that the Israeli Jewish people themselves suffered very badly during COVID jab testing by Pfizer.
In reality he stated, the testing (which must surely have really taken place over several years on huge numbers of captive test subjects judging from the immensely voluminous and extremely sophisticated and detailed medical analyses resulting from that testing), which seemingly produced almost every disease condition known to mankind as 'side'effects' (intentional effects) in the process, really took place using captive Palestinian and African Negros.
But of course, to even be a test subject and get the money paid for participating in any drug trial, they don't just accept any flea-bitten old tramp with multiple serious illnesses, one has to prove that one is totally fit and healthy otherwise test results will get skewed, and Big Pharma certainly do not want anyone dropping dead through some already present serious illness right before launching their next big sales project on the open market, as such deaths would then be blamed on the product and prevent it being sold.
Also of course, if what Pfizer said were really true, then every other 'side-effect' list we see presented in every leaflet inside every medicine box would also have all these same 1300 'illnesses' as diseases that have been seen to occur purely coincidentally in test subjects at the same time these medicines also were tested, and again, it would be asserted that these illnesses are not 'side-effects'.
But when we look at many other 'medicines', even though their listed potential 'side-effects' are almost always vastly more numerous and serious than any illness that the medicine is purportedly intended to have been designed to treat or cure, the list of conditions seen in test subjects who have taken their drugs during trials and even from post-marketing subsequent research on patients are always extremely shorter of course.
What kind of criminally insane murderous lunatics release actual bioweapons like these COVID jabs with 1,300 side-effects and tell us they are for the benefit of humanity?'
And how many more 'side-effects' will show up 'post marketing' in the future? Of course, in their own twisted way, those behind all this deceptively play with words to give them double meanings so as to be quite insincere to their intended victims whilst actually being quite sincere to their own insane selves, it is their cruel sense of humour that they call chutzpah, as of course they view only themselves as actually being humanity, and by sterilizing, disabling and murdering us, and arranging suicidal wars for us while posing as benevolent leaders, they do indeed see themselves as really protecting 'humanity'.
This is not really being done 'to save the planet' by 'population reduction', if you can see it for what it really is, it is a highly audacious military operation instigated ultimately by the Israeli government via their heavily infiltrated and controlled 'American' DOD front men attack dogs et al. What is really happening is planetary conquest being perpetrated right now in the biggest heist in history, the Jews are stealing an entire planet for themselves and liquidating all others by various means.
I would not believe a single bit of 'news' coming out of Israel or anything else coming out of their mouths anywhere else in the world. Of course, as always, they make out they are hit the hardest by some terrible situation that has in reality been created by themselves to affect the rest of humanity, this time by COVID and by 'side-effects' of the COVID jabs, while shills working for Klaus Schwab and the Israeli government make out that 'Nazis' are behind the COVID jabs, or even 'fake Jew Khazarian Mafia' who are supposedly trying to exterminate all real Jews.
The 'Khazarian Mafia fake Jew name stealer' Jewish psyop has now been thoroughly debunked of course, even by professors at Jerusalem University itself and by Dr Karl Skorecki, there are no 'fake Jews' in reality to blame anything on that Jews themselves are really doing all along.
The Israeli government continues to savagely deploy this biological weapon of mass destruction against the entire world in the equivalent of a nuclear attack against all of humanity.
The Jewish haploid genomic sequence acts as a passover sign, as this is a racially selective bioweapon that does not render Jews infertile but does render Gentiles infertile progressively. 20,000, or 1% of all the 2,000,000 American service personnel who were previously fertile have been officially recognized by the American military medical services to have been rendered permanently infertile just since taking the COVID jabs.
WEF agent UK PM Rishi Sunak wants everyone in the UK to take 4 COVID jabs per year for life for the rest of their lives, so for a newborn, with an 80 year projected lifespan, that would come to 320 jabs just for COVID alone, and how many of these people will surely become permanently infertile as well? They are making out it is some other group behind it in order to keep the program running unchecked.
To get citizenship in Israel, a Jew has to have a genetic test to confirm they possess a haploid genomic sequence that is uniquely possessed by Jews alone, otherwise they cannot get their passport, and guess what, all these so-called Khazarian Mafia so-called fake Jews in Israel along with all the other Jews in Israel all have that exact same genomic sequence.
No Jew in Israel calls any other Jew in Israel a fake Jew, that story about 'fake Jews' is only put out among the gullible goyim to make them believe that Jewish society is seriously fractured and that any Jews seen to be guilty of criminal action can be purported to be 'fake Jews'.
Just as Jerusalem University themselves have also exhaustively researched and concluded, so Dr Karl Skorecki also proved long ago that Cohen priests from Khazaria have the same genes exactly as authenticated Jews from 3,300 years ago, in other words, the 'Khazarian Mafia' are indeed mafia, but they are really all real Jews, as Jews even thousands of years ago set up communities in Japan, China, India and Indonesia for example.
And look at the film studio leaked unedited faked footage of an Israeli COVID hospital that shows film crews unmasked in the film studio 'COVID hospital' in the background while 'nurses' with Israeli writing on their medical overalls wheel purported COVID victims around, it is a psyop.
The world is being attacked by the Israeli government and their infiltrated and controlled attack dog governments around the world, whose politicians all put out the same propaganda and all act together in tandem. 80% of all MP's in both main political parties in the UK are treacherously members of 'Friends of Israel' societies, and around Biden at the top there are only Jewish politicians, dual nationality Israeli citizens, and 50% of all generals in the US openly state they practice the Jewish religion.
King Charles III said he is descended from Vlad the Impaler, he was a Jew. The 'British' royal family marries Jews, hangs around with Jews and gets involved with maniac Jews like the Jewish-named Jimmy Savile and Epstein.
The court advisor to Queen Elizabeth the First, John Dee, advised her that she should advise all English nobility to marry Jews and to build an empire abroad, of course with a 'white'-seeming face on those going abroad to do all the conquering and exploiting to build it.
Savile stated that he 'is more Jewish than most Jews'. Like many other canny Jews his ancestors had simply adopted the religion of their host nation to avoid the very likely probability of getting thrown out later otherwise with other Jews for their communal criminal activities, as Jews have in fact been expelled from various nations, cities and principalities 1,031 times throughout history, sometimes on repeated occasions after people eventually let them back in and started to suffer the same problems again before expelling them again.
Many of these mass expulsions of Jews for communal criminal activities occurred well before the psyop excuse of the Gentile Khazarian Mafia 'fake Jews' had ever been thought up that many Jews ofen like to blame all criminal activities of Jews on.
See 'Why Is The US Honoring A Racist Rabbi?' by Alison Weir, Counterpunch
To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.
Libbre David 37
A Jew should and must make a false oath when the Goyim asks if our books contain anything against them.
Szaaloth-Utszabot, The Book of Jore Dia 17
All Israelites will have a part in the future world... The Goyim, at the end of the world will be handed over to the angel Duma and sent down to hell.
Zohar, Shemoth, Toldoth Noah, Lekh-Lekha
Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night.
Midrasch Talpioth, p. 225-L
Happy will be the lost of Israel, whom the Holy One, blessed be He, has chosen from amongst the Goyim, of whom the Scriptures say: "Their work is but vanity, it is an illusion at which we must laugh; they will all perish when God visits them in His wrath." At the moment when the Holy One, blessed be He, will exterminate all the Goyim of the world, Israel alone will subsist, even as it is written: "The Lord alone will appear great on that day!...
Zohar, Vayshlah 177b
Rabbis within the demonic Jewish death cult from hell openly state that they intend to physically exterminate all Gentiles in the entire world, you can see the open proof in the videos below, rabbis saying just that in their own words.
Jewish US Congressman Jamie Raskin: "Russia is an orthodox Christian country with traditional social values and for that reason, it must be destroyed, no matter what the cost to us. This is a jihad."
...according to this todays jooz are not the ones that lived in the biblical times...“The LORD was very angry with Israel, and removed them out of his sight… And the LORD rejected all the seed of Israel, and afflicted them, and delivered them into the hand of spoilers, until he had cast them out of his sight.” 2 Kings 17:18,20
Am I to understand it correctly that God had removed the "jooz" from their land? and "My people will perish for the lack of knowledge" If you are not accepting the Jesus for what he was you will perish (even non-Jesus believing, believing in Torah/Talmud will be destroyed because they are NOT God's people anymore?)
My first attempts to answer your comment are based only on what you said in your actual comment above since all earlier attempts to open the link you provided would not work, but now, after sending the comments below, I tried again and the link is now working, I see the article, but the author has absolutely no idea what he is talking about, the Jews are not the goyim, they are a constantly self-reincarnating closed network soul group that is actually non-human and quite alien to Earth.
The grandiose megalomaniac Rabbi Menachem Schneerson states that the Jews are an entirely different and superior species to human beings on this planet in both spiritual terms of the soul and in terms of the physical body, as he states that the Jews alone have physical bodies that only appear to Gentile human beings as ordinary physical matter, but Rabbi Schneerson says that the actual inner nature of this matter of a Jew's body is actually multidimensional and entirely beyond the ability of a Gentile to see or understand.
That reminds me of quite a few Star Trek episodes, but that was basically a Jewish-created series and of course, they would never create any story line in any episode that even closely approximates to the pure evil that the Jews themselves are actually up to as that might actually be too revealing and give the Gentiles too much of a heads up.
Things for instance like kapparot, the most obscenely evil black magic ritual blood sacrifice engaged in every year by every Jew or by rabbis on behalf of other Jews by passing all the bad karma of a Jew each year onto an innocent other soul, sometimes a chicken, sometimes a kidnapped human Gentile child that is very slowly and agonizingly mentally and physically tortured to death and drained of blood to produce adrenochrome-rich ritual blood wine that is then passed around the general Jewish community by the rabbis performing the sacrifices, which is an LSD-type drug that enables the Jews to more easily attain their preferred lower-dimensional state of consciousness that is very dark, heavy and evil indeed.
A Jew may do to a non-Jewess what he can do. He may treat her as he treats a piece of meat.
Since the first time this warlike godless soul group arrived en masse to invade and conquer this planet by psychic means originally in discarnate form, firstly, in order to actually enter this world in what is a new dimension of gross physical matter for them, these multidimensional shape-changers stole human outer form by clothing themselves in some of this new matter in this dimension in order to appear as humans among us and be able to exploit us unsuspectedly, which may have been around the beginning of Kali Yuga around 5,000 years ago, though other possibilities exist for this actual time.
But this soul group of the Jews have added or brought with them other-dimensional matter which makes their bodies quite different to ours, and their consciousness may well be primarily based not in this world or dimension in some ways, but rather in another dimension, even their previous dimension that they prefer that they say they desire to fully return to.
We can see real Gentile human history has been greatly distorted, that ancient highly advanced Gentile human achievements in cultural, scientific and spiritual fields very suddenly vanished and things have gone very badly indeed since around this time.
By forcefully incarnating in a criminal manner first in powerful and influential Gentile families all over the world in every race and people they wished to control, this invading criminal terrorist soul group would have been able to use their stolen positions to very quickly totally sabotage many cultures all over the globe, very quickly resulting in the invading soul group alone then having access to ancient highly advanced technologies and the Gentiles themselves being convinced by fake history and miseducation over many years that they had never even had any of these things in the first place.
But in India today, the university students there are told the real truth, that in ancient India they possessed television and advanced space craft and more.
In ancient Egypt for instance even 10,000 years ago and longer ago, the pyramids were energy generators, water pumps, recharging devices for antigravity craft, and even had restorative rejuvenation and healing chambers according to one author, enabling immensely long lifespans.
The Irish seer Om Seti reliably told of her past life in ancient Egypt, which she was able to prove by repeatedly precisely locating ancient bulidings that archaeologists there could not find at all, she told of ancient Egyptian science of physical teleportation of human beings across vast distances from within certain buildings designed for that purpose that was able to take place then.
Some dark anti-human power has clearly suppressed and concealed our own ancient scientific knowledge from us and now holds us all prisoner in a deliberately hellish war and disease-stricken artificial massively antiquated false reality, giving us trinkets like CD prayers and OLED screen TV's while they themselves are accessing other dimensions and travelling to the stars according to some. A number of vast space structures in orbit around the Earth that are not made public lend some credence to the idea that the space program is vastly more advanced and accomplished than the general public are being told.
Then this hostile and malevolent anti-human soul group invaded, stole and suppressed almost all the humans' spiritual power and certainly all the advanced technologies of the Gentiles, and guess who runs all the CERN and NASA space programs and nuclear research etc. while constantly lying about what they are really doing and who for while they milk our world dry? The Jews.
But we Gentiles will never really see any benefits from that ourselves, it is all being stolen for the parasitic 'elite' soul group who invented the Jewish religion, and of course we see many so-called Christians and Muslims and Hindus very paradoxically solidly backing the Jews all the way, while the Jewish religion states clearly that all Christians and members of all other non-Jewish religions are to be killed (of course to totally suppress any potential revival of genuine spiritual and psychic senses among the Gentiles that might permit the Gentile Earth peoples to see what these criminal shape-changing non-human interlopers really are and what they are really doing).
So these are clearly crypto-Jewish fake Christians and so on working with the invaders.
They all possess a unique haplotyope genomic sequence necessary by law before any of them can be granted citizenship in Israel, this is a matter of fact, so all the Jews in Israel have this, and of course, all the crypto-Jews going by other names will also have that, enabling the possessing of multidimensional siddhic abilities beyond the purview of the average human's dormant psychic and spiritual senses, though the Jews heavily misuse these siddhis in a very ungodly, callous and parasitic black magic manner that is clearly heavily hostile against all other life in this dimension.
Sadly, a very brutish and savage materialistic conception of the nature of existence is seeminly incorrigibly embedded in this soul group resulting in the Jews and crypto-Jews envying and hating God and attacking His creation and all His other creatures.
During the time of Kali Yuga, which began about 5,000 years ago according to some calculations, barriers between some of the different material dimensions become less well-maintained and able to be broken through even by illicit means, and this is what has happened when these spiritually lower dimensional but otherwise psychically advanced souls have broken into this dimension with totally ungodly purpose.
The Jews cleverly adopt all guises even as crypto-Jews. Do not bother wondering about family line histories, they can take any foetus in any woman's womb and incarnate in that at will, the occult writer Alexandre David Neel wrote of her travels in Tibet where she recorded speaking with Tibetan monks who told her of black magicians who can forcefully steal a human body even from an adult human being and force the resident soul out permanently and then live lifelong within than stolen physical vehicle themselves, pure parasitism, next level warfare that is actually very ancient, and likely a dark skill that was not developed on this planet, likely arriving with the very same soul group that invented the Jewish religion here on Earth as a cover to appear 'religious' to enable them to pull the wool over people's eyes in the political, financial and social arenas.
Rabbi Michael Laitman reveals more about the true nature and intention of the Jews here, mentioning how they infiltrate as 'spiritual commandos' with the real intent of conquering this entire planet, adopting the appearance of different human races and peoples as a subterfuge. The title says it all:
Rabbi: Jews are Not of This World; We’re Sent to Conquer It
I am really appreciating what you are sharing here. It's clear you know what we are dealing with and it is so good to have someone commenting at this depth. I wish I knew who you were. Thank you. And I came across that Laitman video about 8 years ago? He's not pulling any punches and is telling people straight up what they are and what they are here to do.
It does not say anything like that, the meaning of the scripture is completely different to what you say it is in the first line of your comment.
None of the different groups of Jews that are supposed to be opposing each other do so in Israel, where they all live happily together, even the Neturei Karta living there who ridiculously say as part of a controlled psyop that they do not accept Israel existing at this present time, and even the Neturei Karta themselves are ultimately Zionists too anyway as the Neturei Karta state that while they think God (their twisted Jewish anti-spiritual idea of God) does not accept Israel existing now, they still live in Israel, taking full advantage of what Israel gives them and they very obviously support Israel while living there, and they do believe in an Israel coming into existence later anyway when their moshiach comes, and that would mean the removal of the Palestinians even then too, and that arrival or incarnation of their moshiach is clearly felt to be imminent as Israel keeps importing red heifers ready for a ritual blood sacrifice to be made for purification for when the moshiach finally comes.
And Chief Commonwealth Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis states that Zionism is essential to Judaism and is inseparable from it, and that being against Zionism is akin to being anti-Semitic.
All Jews are real Jews, all believe in the Torah, there is no Jewish group that does not accept and believe in the Torah, the Torah states that all Gentiles will be killed in the entire world, and that even all memory of them is then to be totally erased from the minds of all Jews when the Jews alone then 'inherit' (seize) the world for themselves.
How much the Jews must really hate all Gentiles in their rabid Jewish insanity when they feel it necessary even for any memory of all Gentiles in the entire world to be completely erased, and how much more suspect then are their real Jewish reasons for wanting to live in our Gentile nations right now in light of this, they are obviously really up to no good while living
here, especially as Jewish rabbis are openly saying all 585 million whites in Europe must all be made to die as Second Rome amalek, and then all the rest of the whites living anywhere else in all the rest of the world are to be killed as well, all 800 milllion of us which is all the whites in the entire world, and to kill especially all whites in the world first of all has been the Jewish rabbinical directive to all Jews for 2,000 years now, while the directive for all Gentiles in the entire world to be killed comes originally from the Torah, is repeated in the Talmud and later in the Zohar.
The Torah was originally transmitted only in oral form from 5,500 years ago, till 3,000 years ago when it most of it was written down, with a portion of the most secret Torah teachings and their real inner meanings kept to be tranmitted only by direct oral means directly from the rabbis.
This 'inherit' euphemism really means Jews are to take the world by any and all means. Rabbis state openly today how they will instigate wars between peoples of different Gentile nations to get the Gentile peoples of various nations to kill each other for the Jews in order for the Jews to eventually have the entire world to themselves alone.
And of course, the Jews wage war against all Gentile humanity unsuspected, they use their infiltrated crypto-Jewish politicians in many nations and their dupes to give out Israeli-instigated COVID bioweapon ethnobomb clot shots (now ridiculously blamed by Jewish agents on the American DOD and the 'Chicoms') that cause the COVID itself, by containing self-replicating nanotechnology and even the SV40 virus (tweaked by exposure years ago to a particle accelerator to give it gain of function and make it even more lethal to humans),
that is now causing an epidemic of turbo-cancer in COVID shot recipients.
And the COVID shots contain gene-altering technology that sterilizes only non-Jewish recipients, as all Jews alone have a unique haploid genomic sequence peculiar to them alone that acts in this case like the Passover mark of lambs' blood on their door lintels when the angel of death passes over Jewish people's houses in the night. Other gene-altering technology in the shots deletes a gene frorm the Gentile human genome that then prevents the COVID shot recipients from resisting the proliferation of cancer cells caused by the tweaked SV40 cancer-causing virus.
Pfizer admitted that one of the 'side effects' of their COVID jabs is 'COVID PNEUMONIA' as stated in a forced disclosure after a court hearing.
Just as in Isaiah 9:2, infiltrated Jewish politicians planted in Gentile governments set Gentile nations against each other, as in the US, Ukraine and Russia today, all run by Jews, even when Biden was in office, as he is a proven crypto-Jew faking being a Christian too, like Putin, and Putin is a Chabad Lubavitcher red thread-wearing Jew as is Zelensky too, as is Trump now too since he officially converted to Chabad Lubavitcher in 2017, like many other already Jewish people, even crypto-Jewish people convert to Chabad Lubavitcher too.
And even the Neturei Karta Jews who duped people think are 'good Jews' because they are supposed to not believe in the state of Israel existing now while they are actually taking advantage of Israel by living in it, will of course naturally pay heed to that part of the Torah, the part about there not being supposed to be any Gentiles left alive.
There are lots of Judaic scriptural references to actually killing all Gentiles. The rabbis of various groups claim the Noahide Laws are based on the Torah. Some of the Torah and its secret inner meanings are still only orally transmitted to Jews directly from their rabbis themselves surely to keep the most secret knowledge from being accessed and read in print by any Gentile.
In direct relation to Deuteronomy 20:16 from the Torah Old Testament, which says to kill and leave no living thing alive that breathes, Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi and other rabbis of the varying rabbinical groups have clearly stated that the Noahide Laws are based on the Torah itself, with the Torah universally accepted by all different Jewish groups.
Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi states that on the authority of these Torah-based Noahide Laws, that 6 to 6.5 BILLION Gentiles will be KILLED just for 'contravening' the 'law' against idolatry, and then there are other Noahide 'laws' with death penalties too that can only be carried out against Gentiles, as according to these same laws, ONLY Gentiles are to be killed for breaking any of these laws, and never any Jew.
Trump was long ago recognised by Israel as being the most fervent supporter ever of the Noahide Laws out of all POTUS's when he was POTUS before.
The Jews believe in gilgul, consciously controlled reincarnation, I have talked with many Jews over the years in physical person who have told me they can do fully conscious controlled astral projection at will.
And when any Jew dies, being earthbound souls because they have rejected God, they must reincarnate constantly again and again only ever as Jews for hundreds of times over usually, but they may also choose occasionally for purposes of political infiltration to incarnate as crypto-Jewish souls within any Gentile group at any level, even within powerful Gentile political dynasties, while still being functioning crypto-Jews for purposes of undermining the Gentile peoples in a thoroughly military fashion, while using their elevated positions in any Gentile society to enable even more Jews to take up powerful positions by other means to subjugate all Gentiles ever more quickly.
Trump claims he comes from a Christian family, so did Biden, so did the UK PM Boris Johnson, but all have been fully exposed and proven to be actually Jewish all the time, and them having said they are Christians is how they duped people into letting them stand for election first of all.
But really, all Jews belong to a criminal terrorist death cult and should be banned from standing for election in any Gentile nation, and all Jews should have their citizenship rescinded in all Gentile nations and then get deported for presenting a clear and present lethal danger to all human life in any Gentile nation.
The Jewish religion itself is only a highly sinister megalomaniac political movemernt in disguise and not any genuine spiritually-based movement and it must be banned as a criminal terrorist death cult in every nation worldwide under international laws, and Israel itelf must be totally delegitimized under UN ruling and all of Palestine must be returned to the Palestinians alone, the true and only just 'one state solution'.
After all, what 'rights' except the noose or the firing squad should any criminal terrorist death cult such as the Jewish death cult be allowed to have when its self-stated aim is the total enslavement and subsequent eventual total physical extermination of every single last Gentile in the entire world, and then even the sending of all Gentile souls to hell under the Angel Duma as is stated to be intended to occur in the Jewish Zohar.
Just as these pathologically insane violently marauding Jewish maniacs as self-stated members of this cult with its scripturally-stated intentions do not not wish any Gentile to survive or have children or ever again incarnate on this entire planet, let that be the fate of every Jew in the entire world instead, or people can just choose instead if they want to let the murderous Jews keep living among them, this is the ultimate survival fitness test.
Either we Gentiles will live on this planet alone, or the Jews will live on this planet alone, there is no middle way, no alternative, and any Gentile saying otherwise can only be regarded as being one with the Jews because they are treacherously seeking to maintain the invading Jewish parasite enemy in their position to harm and kill all of us Gentiles. I am saying this here to all Gentiles in general who may read this.
But again, crypto-Jewish fake Christian, Muslim and Hindu politicians in Gentile nations open the flood gates for still more of these parasites and their Muslim footsoldiers to get into Gentile lands in the first place, that is their MO.
It is actually fake Gentiles who are the problem, not fake Jews.
To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.
Libbre David 37
A Jew should and must make a false oath when the Goyim asks if our books contain anything against them.
Szaaloth-Utszabot, The Book of Jore Dia 17
We beg Thee, O Lord, indict Thy wrath on the nations not believing in Thee, and not calling on Thy name. Let down Thy wrath on them and inflict them with Thy wrath. Drive them away in Thy wrath and crush them into pieces. Take away, O Lord, all bone from them. In a moment indict all disbelievers. Destroy in a moment all foes of Thy nation. Draw out with the root, disperse and ruin unworthy nations. Destroy them! Destroy them immediately, in this very moment!
Prayer said on the eve of Passover (Pranajtis: Christianus in Talmudae Judeorum, quotations from: Synagoga Judaica)
Happy will be the lost of Israel, whom the Holy One, blessed be He, has chosen from amongst the Goyim, of whom the Scriptures say: "Their work is but vanity, it is an illusion at which we must laugh; they will all perish when God visits them in His wrath." At the moment when the Holy One, blessed be He, will exterminate all the Goyim of the world, Israel alone will subsist, even as it is written: "The Lord alone will appear great on that day!...
That the Jewish nation is the only nation selected by God, while all the remaining ones are contemptible and hateful.
That all property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation, which consequently is entitled to seize upon it without any scruples. An orthodox Jew is not bound to observe principles of morality towards people of other tribes. He may act contrary to morality, if profitable to himself or to Jews in general.
A Jew may rob a Goy, he may cheat him over a bill, which should not be perceived by him, otherwise the name of God would become dishonoured.
Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat, 348
Kill the Goyim by any means possible.
Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50
Everyone who sheds the blood of the impious [non-Jews] is as acceptable to God as he who offers a sacrifice to God.
Yalkut 245c
Extermination of the Christians is a necessary sacrifice.
Zohar, Shemoth
All Israelites will have a part in the future world... The Goyim, at the end of the world will be handed over to the angel Duma and sent down to hell.
Zohar, Shemoth, Toldoth Noah, Lekh-Lekha
Jews should rightly not be foolishly permitted to have any nation or any rights at all anywhere in the entire world.
Juss walk O'er them that choose to disregard and ill treat -
Believe it or not -
What you got to do, is to love and learn to be loved in this world. Not a matter of race, color, religion or the HORSE shite of it all.
It is specifically, a matter of wit, wittiness and or witticisms.
Do love your neighbors.
Do not covet them -
It is not a matter of their amount or type of hair.
Do be dubious -
Do be curious -
Hold them close -
As their are presumably,
Thy enemy -
In my homestead, I have a resident skunk.
Been living under the porch, two years.
Maybe more.
I am aware of it's lingering presents
Mostly by the pungent odor they present.
Yet, for me, I am not daunted.
To be sure - It is also,
Acutely, aware of me.
For, I Do eat meat -
Surely, it t'wd be a treat.
I do not seek it out.
Nor do it, seek me.
Yet, we both, strive to survive.
We have nothing to worry or,
For that matter, to contrive.
Blessings ~ Depswah
Keep your enemies (or so you may think), close to the vest. Learn of them. Appreciate them. Understand you both. Lest of all, do not be too quick to judge - Lest ye become the worst of them.
ohhhhh we are so fu ck ed 🤦🏻♀️ the problem is too is that the t r u m p LOVING "christians" think that the jooze are the chosen people 🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️ so they will go along with this monsters words and actions to usher in the new world disorder and protect the most evil race of ALL TIME. ohhh we are soooooooo fu ck ed 👹👹👹 this guy is DANGEROUS for our freedoms and i saw RIGHT through it during the last selection.
Exactly Jamie. And there's billions of cuck Christians out there waving their flags and MAGA hats, walking through life completely mind-controlled and 100% supporting evil. It's very disturbing.
VERY disturbing indeed 😳 its a brilliant plan and executed well, so sad many are so fluoridated and cannot use discernment and critical minds, theyre under the spell, BIG TIME!!!
If only people would wake up. He should be talking about the drug companies and their poison. Instead he is not. I can remember him saying My administration will ensure there is tracking on land, sea and air. Well they did that with the jabbing by installing a damned operating system to not only maim and kill but to hybridize humanity. Evil, beyond evil. No excuses he knew what he was doing that is for sure, otherwise he would be speaking out. But I suppose that would certainly not get him in again. What level of death and destruction will it take for these pharma companies to be abolished. Instead they can play hybrids and some humans what is left of humanity like a computer sim in a game. Head over to Sabrina Wallace to understand the way the network of things works with controlling and manipulating humanity via the air waves. Remember who is king of the air, that's right lucifer, satan or whatever name him/it decides to run under. The biggest deceiver that there is out there.
exactly. Trump works for Lucifer. They all do. And they are outright murderers.
Trump clearly wants to see all of Gentile humanity actually executed, read the substance of the Noahide Laws and what they really mean, listen to the demonic Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi stating how 6 BILLION Gentiles will be executed for 'idolatry' under those laws, the laws against idolatry being just one of the Noahide laws with a death penalty for contravening it, and bear in mind also that no Jew can be executed under any of those Noahide Laws even if any Jew contravenes any of them.
Since 1991, every POTUS has been required to sign approval for the Noahide Laws every year in the White House while in the association of several murderously ultra-racist Chabad Lubavitcher rabbis.
The intended genocidal mass-killing of Gentiles proposed by those laws can be initiated under Jewish law not only when any Jewish NWO one world government comes into being (though one already is largely in place and active unofficially already), but even during any period when Jews have sufficient political control in any individual nation at any particular time even before full Jewish world government is achieved.
A beta test of this program is what Stalin really put into effect along with Lenin and Trotsky earlier in Russia following the 1917 Rothschild banker initiated-and-funded Jewish Bolshevik military takeover of Russia.
Natty Rothschild funded an elite group of powerful news magnates and willing powerful politicians in England to instigate WWI (which can be understood to have really been intended to destroy Germany because it was the only nation then powerful enough in Europe at that time with sufficient industrial capacity and organized societal structure capable enough of stopping a simultaneously-planned Jewish Bolshevik Communist controlled military advance over Europe coming from Russia to enslave that too for the Jews at the same time.
Churchill stated that WWII was really instigated to complete the intended destruction of Germany that had been begun but not yet fully completed in WWI, and that it was really nothing to do with Hitler or National Socialism, and that even if Germany had been governed by a Jesuit, that war would still have been made on Germany by England in any case, of course by using any similar underhand means such as were used to push Germany into war against England, facts of which are presented very clearly in the book Hidden History: The Secret Origins of the First World War by Gerry Docherty and Jim MacGregor.
And WEF head Klaus Schwab, who recently 'officially' adopted a less senior position in the WEF, but who is still really head of the WEF, had a Jewish mother and possesses a bust of Lenin in his office, and also attends Holocaust memorial services to uphold the mass organized fakery on that issue.
What is proposed by the Jews including Trump, who Israel has voted in the past as the most supportive of all US presidents of the Noahide Law program, which, is nothing other a tyrannically dictatorial military dictatorship over the entire world fully designed to ultimately totally exterminate every single last Gentile on the entire planet.
Jewish world dictatorship under exterminatory Noahide Law is what the WEF Israeli government front organization really is in different wrapping. One has to ask if all those nutters wildly cheering in the crowd at Trump's Stalinist declaration in the video presented with this article are anything other than purposely-placed Jewish Mossad assistant sayanim shills.
The Talmud states openly that all Christians are to be killed by the Jews, and many so-called fundamentalist Christians are nothing other than crypto-Jews hysterically in defence of Israel and Judaism, which they must surely know intends only the mass extermination of all Christians on the entire planet.
The insanely arrogant Rabbi Mizrachi states gloatingly in an obscenely celebratory manner that there will be "No survivors" among the all of the Gentiles throughout the entire world.
Rabbi Mizrachi makes his statement with total anticipatory confidence that the full completion of the real Jewish agenda is about to be fulfilled.
This lust for total annihilation of all others by many Jews has already been openly revealed by recent events in Gaza and the open statements of many Jews there and elsewhere, and every other Gentile in the entire world is also fully intende to be exterminated by the Jewish religion, just as the Zohar very clearly and unambiguously states.
Then figure it out that if you are one of the Gentile people who do not like to see those genocidally mass-murderous Jewish Noahide Laws being very physically imposed on other Americans that Trump very strongly approves of being imposed to execute all members of all non-Jewish religions, even if you are a Gentile who is not a member one of those Gentile religions yourself, then you too will then automatically be physically executed after being automatically determined by the law that Trump proposes as being an antisemite, which Trump states here someone must face 'the ultimate penalty', 'the death penalty' alone for, when Trump introduces his genocidally murderous legislation against antisemitism if he gets to become POTUS.
The ridiculously postering Jewish Trump is clearly pathologically insane with his Stalin-like ravings for a death penalty for the alleged 'hate' and 'crime' of antisemitism.
Stalin was the last criminally insane terrorist dictator who imposed this same law throughout Soviet Russia, I feature photographs on my Substack site of Stalin dressed from head to toe in full Bukharian Jewish attire, kippah and all, in the association of openly-recognized known Jewish senior Bolshevik administration members similarly attired.
Stalin was a Jew, but most modern 'historians' cleverly conceal that fact due to the many millions of Gentiles he had put to death, concealing the fact especially of the many millions of Christians killed in Russia by him and Trotsky and Lenin, surely in accordance with Talmudic requirements that all Christians be killed.
Solzhenitsyn stated that 66 million people were killed in Russia by an 'alien invader' people who were not Russians themselves. Stalin carried on having Christians liquidated in Soviet Russia right through WWII right up till 1953 when he died.
Had Gentile American and British soldiers known the actual reality, they would never have fought against Germany under any leader, and especially not under the entirely deceptive and manipulative Jewish Churchill (whose mother was a New York Jewess named Jerome) or the similarly sinister and malevolent Jewish Roosevelt.
Excellent info. Thank you for sharing this.
Stalin stated in the wording associated with his legislation against antisemitism that the law had been imposed because Judaism is both fundamental and essential to the Communist 'revolution'.
Rabbi Stephen Wise variously stated at various times that Marxism is nothing other than Judaism, and that Communism is nothing other than Judaism.
After WWII, the Kremlin initially wanted for the same death penalty law against antisemitism to be imposed in every nation in the world, but then considered it more practicable to impose this program by more surreptiious means more gradually in other ways to ensure its success without any possibility of open recognition and open armed opposition occurring, such as by concealing cures for cancer, by the introduction of highly damaging Jewish-designed GM synthetic mRNA food crops and Jewish-designed synthetic mRNA fake vaccine jabs etc.
Hence all the laws against 'antisemitism' and hence the utterly frenzied mind-numbing mass media campaign of mental bombardment against 'antisemitism' to mentally castrate the intended victims of the Jews.
In reality, using the term 'antisemitism' is a clever psychological ploy by the Jews, craftily making out that it is the intended Gentile victims of the Jews themselves to be the ones intending and initiating lethal hostility against the Jews.
Simple recognition of the clear facts that Judaism totally intends the total physical enslavement, subjugation, and ultimately the total physical extermination of all Gentiles on this entire planet and even that all Gentile souls are then intended to be sent to hell, can in no way justifiably be termed 'hate'.
The truth is, the Jewish religion since the very beginning has always intended the total physical extermination of all Gentiles on the planet.
Very callously, the Jews do not wish to share with any Gentiles as fellow beings in any physical or even spiritual terms for all eternity, and regard all of our souls merely as spiritually non-living matter that is eternally irredeemable and spiritually unconscious and even intrinsically demonic and hostile against all Jews. And the leaders of the Jews who they follow like Rabbi Mizrachi state these instructions of the Noahide Laws to be based very clearly in teachings found in the Torah, the original foundation scripture of Judaism.
Lenin insanely stated that 9 out of every 10 people in the world being killed in the course of imposing a Communist 'revolution' would be quite acceptable, Trotsky encouraged the development of ever more fiendishly sadistic, agonizingly painful and lengthy means of torture to the death. One torture wass 'Making Gloves', where someone's hands would be forced into boiling water till the flesh was cooked loose from the ligaments and tendons, then the hands were placed in a vice, then a knife drawn deeply around the wrists, then the hands yanked sharply out of the vice leaving the cooked flesh there, forming a pair of gloves, this being a torture which Trotsky said he particularly approved of, asking in one written communication then for even more painful and lengthy torures to be devised. This was a military attack against all of Gentile humanity there, using some conditioned Gentiles as weapons against others, as in the Pitesti Experiment in Romania ordered by Stalin, and never genuinely any intended reformation of society.
The WEF head, Klaus Schwab, who had a Jewish mother, despite all the Jewish stories about him being a 'Nazi', plots with his clearly psychotic Jewish principal advisor Noah Harari who wants to liquidate 7.5 billion members of humanity out of 8 billion (for starters), makes this proportion of those to be killed 15 out of every 16.
Remember that Lenin spoke his words around 100 years ago, when there was no phony excuse of global warming or of 'overpopulation' needing to be 'reduced' to 'save the world'.
To tidily complete all this Communist Jewish agenda of mass liquidation of Gentile humanity, the WEF plans and the Chabad Lubavitcher plans are synchronised as one to liquidate billions through the Noahide Laws under the Jewish-intended NWO that they are planning to be run from Jerusalem. These programs are one and the same plan under one and the same godless criminally insane nihilist invaders and usurpers of our nations and the whole planet.
Both Trump's parents died in a nursing home for Jewish people, he regularly attends Torah classes.
Trump's name is an anglicized version of the German Jewish Drumpf. The term 'humanity' used by the entirely grandiose and deceptive Trump in his cryptic Jewspeak is really designed only for the inner delight of Jews alone and really only refers to Jews alone as the sole genuine humanity on this planet, that is what Trump really means, that only Jews are human
Regarding Trump's warp speed Israeli bioweapon COVID death jab program:
Both hands and both feet have been chopped off from patients at the same time in both categories of vaxxed and unvaxxed as of course, the COVID 'vaxx' is the very source of the COVID itself whilst being maliciously and obscenely posed by our hostile 'foreign power' military occupation governments as the preventative for the same condition(s), all 1300 of so of them, that the vaxx itself actually causes and is surely meticulously designed to cause.
After all, a supercomputer can design 40,000 new deadly nerve gasses in just 6 hours, I think they likely used a similar type of programmer input with similar parameters to create the COVID jabs.
I think if they let the machines run for a few months solid, eventually they must surely come up with a jab for some disease without any 'side-effects' at all, yet the COVID jabs we are told were created by supercomputers in just 1.5 to 2.5 hours, and having obviously created something so very obviously damaging and otherwise even worse than not being effective in therapeutic terms after several shots, and in such a brief period of time, it just kind of slipped their minds to then reprogram the supercomputers in all the time since to really take their time next time and take even months or even longer to delete all similar 'errors' in programming and also prevent any damaging 'side-effects' at all then reoccurring through any future designs.
A lot of these illnesses are seen not just in 'COVID patients', but in people just after they have been 'vaxxed', but then again, Pfizer lists 'COVID pneumonia' as one of the side-effects associated with their COVID 'vaxx'.
Then Pfizer said these 1300 'side-effects' that a group of doctors used court action to force them to release publicly instead of them remaining secret for 75 years, which all genocidal NWO death cult complicit governments already knew about in the first place of course and STILL whacked those poisons into people's arms, are not side-effects at all, just something seen in their test subjects that they happened to have at the same time.
An Israeli military intelligence whistleblower has come forward to state that the Pfizer (military) ethnobomb COVID bioweapon jabs were never really tested out on Israeli Jews at all despite the deliberately deceptive heavy media campaign telling us that the Israeli Jewish people themselves suffered very badly during COVID jab testing by Pfizer.
In reality he stated, the testing (which must surely have really taken place over several years on huge numbers of captive test subjects judging from the immensely voluminous and extremely sophisticated and detailed medical analyses resulting from that testing), which seemingly produced almost every disease condition known to mankind as 'side'effects' (intentional effects) in the process, really took place using captive Palestinian and African Negros.
But of course, to even be a test subject and get the money paid for participating in any drug trial, they don't just accept any flea-bitten old tramp with multiple serious illnesses, one has to prove that one is totally fit and healthy otherwise test results will get skewed, and Big Pharma certainly do not want anyone dropping dead through some already present serious illness right before launching their next big sales project on the open market, as such deaths would then be blamed on the product and prevent it being sold.
Also of course, if what Pfizer said were really true, then every other 'side-effect' list we see presented in every leaflet inside every medicine box would also have all these same 1300 'illnesses' as diseases that have been seen to occur purely coincidentally in test subjects at the same time these medicines also were tested, and again, it would be asserted that these illnesses are not 'side-effects'.
But when we look at many other 'medicines', even though their listed potential 'side-effects' are almost always vastly more numerous and serious than any illness that the medicine is purportedly intended to have been designed to treat or cure, the list of conditions seen in test subjects who have taken their drugs during trials and even from post-marketing subsequent research on patients are always extremely shorter of course.
What kind of criminally insane murderous lunatics release actual bioweapons like these COVID jabs with 1,300 side-effects and tell us they are for the benefit of humanity?'
And how many more 'side-effects' will show up 'post marketing' in the future? Of course, in their own twisted way, those behind all this deceptively play with words to give them double meanings so as to be quite insincere to their intended victims whilst actually being quite sincere to their own insane selves, it is their cruel sense of humour that they call chutzpah, as of course they view only themselves as actually being humanity, and by sterilizing, disabling and murdering us, and arranging suicidal wars for us while posing as benevolent leaders, they do indeed see themselves as really protecting 'humanity'.
This is not really being done 'to save the planet' by 'population reduction', if you can see it for what it really is, it is a highly audacious military operation instigated ultimately by the Israeli government via their heavily infiltrated and controlled 'American' DOD front men attack dogs et al. What is really happening is planetary conquest being perpetrated right now in the biggest heist in history, the Jews are stealing an entire planet for themselves and liquidating all others by various means.
I would not believe a single bit of 'news' coming out of Israel or anything else coming out of their mouths anywhere else in the world. Of course, as always, they make out they are hit the hardest by some terrible situation that has in reality been created by themselves to affect the rest of humanity, this time by COVID and by 'side-effects' of the COVID jabs, while shills working for Klaus Schwab and the Israeli government make out that 'Nazis' are behind the COVID jabs, or even 'fake Jew Khazarian Mafia' who are supposedly trying to exterminate all real Jews.
The 'Khazarian Mafia fake Jew name stealer' Jewish psyop has now been thoroughly debunked of course, even by professors at Jerusalem University itself and by Dr Karl Skorecki, there are no 'fake Jews' in reality to blame anything on that Jews themselves are really doing all along.
The Israeli government continues to savagely deploy this biological weapon of mass destruction against the entire world in the equivalent of a nuclear attack against all of humanity.
The Jewish haploid genomic sequence acts as a passover sign, as this is a racially selective bioweapon that does not render Jews infertile but does render Gentiles infertile progressively. 20,000, or 1% of all the 2,000,000 American service personnel who were previously fertile have been officially recognized by the American military medical services to have been rendered permanently infertile just since taking the COVID jabs.
WEF agent UK PM Rishi Sunak wants everyone in the UK to take 4 COVID jabs per year for life for the rest of their lives, so for a newborn, with an 80 year projected lifespan, that would come to 320 jabs just for COVID alone, and how many of these people will surely become permanently infertile as well? They are making out it is some other group behind it in order to keep the program running unchecked.
To get citizenship in Israel, a Jew has to have a genetic test to confirm they possess a haploid genomic sequence that is uniquely possessed by Jews alone, otherwise they cannot get their passport, and guess what, all these so-called Khazarian Mafia so-called fake Jews in Israel along with all the other Jews in Israel all have that exact same genomic sequence.
No Jew in Israel calls any other Jew in Israel a fake Jew, that story about 'fake Jews' is only put out among the gullible goyim to make them believe that Jewish society is seriously fractured and that any Jews seen to be guilty of criminal action can be purported to be 'fake Jews'.
Just as Jerusalem University themselves have also exhaustively researched and concluded, so Dr Karl Skorecki also proved long ago that Cohen priests from Khazaria have the same genes exactly as authenticated Jews from 3,300 years ago, in other words, the 'Khazarian Mafia' are indeed mafia, but they are really all real Jews, as Jews even thousands of years ago set up communities in Japan, China, India and Indonesia for example.
These rabbis look very happy about the Corona don't they? Not exactly weeping are they?
And look at the film studio leaked unedited faked footage of an Israeli COVID hospital that shows film crews unmasked in the film studio 'COVID hospital' in the background while 'nurses' with Israeli writing on their medical overalls wheel purported COVID victims around, it is a psyop.
Surely this is a DEEP FAKE video!?!
Based on what I've seen of this jokester, I do not think the video is a deep fake.
I will look into it…
The world is being attacked by the Israeli government and their infiltrated and controlled attack dog governments around the world, whose politicians all put out the same propaganda and all act together in tandem. 80% of all MP's in both main political parties in the UK are treacherously members of 'Friends of Israel' societies, and around Biden at the top there are only Jewish politicians, dual nationality Israeli citizens, and 50% of all generals in the US openly state they practice the Jewish religion.
King Charles III said he is descended from Vlad the Impaler, he was a Jew. The 'British' royal family marries Jews, hangs around with Jews and gets involved with maniac Jews like the Jewish-named Jimmy Savile and Epstein.
The court advisor to Queen Elizabeth the First, John Dee, advised her that she should advise all English nobility to marry Jews and to build an empire abroad, of course with a 'white'-seeming face on those going abroad to do all the conquering and exploiting to build it.
Savile stated that he 'is more Jewish than most Jews'. Like many other canny Jews his ancestors had simply adopted the religion of their host nation to avoid the very likely probability of getting thrown out later otherwise with other Jews for their communal criminal activities, as Jews have in fact been expelled from various nations, cities and principalities 1,031 times throughout history, sometimes on repeated occasions after people eventually let them back in and started to suffer the same problems again before expelling them again.
Many of these mass expulsions of Jews for communal criminal activities occurred well before the psyop excuse of the Gentile Khazarian Mafia 'fake Jews' had ever been thought up that many Jews ofen like to blame all criminal activities of Jews on.
See 'Why Is The US Honoring A Racist Rabbi?' by Alison Weir, Counterpunch
Jewish Talmudic Quotes - Facts Are Facts
From Acharya S
To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.
Libbre David 37
A Jew should and must make a false oath when the Goyim asks if our books contain anything against them.
Szaaloth-Utszabot, The Book of Jore Dia 17
All Israelites will have a part in the future world... The Goyim, at the end of the world will be handed over to the angel Duma and sent down to hell.
Zohar, Shemoth, Toldoth Noah, Lekh-Lekha
Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night.
Midrasch Talpioth, p. 225-L
Happy will be the lost of Israel, whom the Holy One, blessed be He, has chosen from amongst the Goyim, of whom the Scriptures say: "Their work is but vanity, it is an illusion at which we must laugh; they will all perish when God visits them in His wrath." At the moment when the Holy One, blessed be He, will exterminate all the Goyim of the world, Israel alone will subsist, even as it is written: "The Lord alone will appear great on that day!...
Zohar, Vayshlah 177b
Rabbis within the demonic Jewish death cult from hell openly state that they intend to physically exterminate all Gentiles in the entire world, you can see the open proof in the videos below, rabbis saying just that in their own words.
Jewish US Congressman Jamie Raskin: "Russia is an orthodox Christian country with traditional social values and for that reason, it must be destroyed, no matter what the cost to us. This is a jihad."
CDC Boss: 'It's Time To Kill White People Who Refuse Vaccines' (click on title for my brief comment)
Jewish Dominion = Mars Attacks
Good speech follows below on which groups were never required to take the COVID shots;
Remember these groups were exempted from getting Covid shots in 2020.
World Sanhedrin has Most to Gain from Covid Scamdemic – Retired GRU Colonel
...according to this todays jooz are not the ones that lived in the biblical times...“The LORD was very angry with Israel, and removed them out of his sight… And the LORD rejected all the seed of Israel, and afflicted them, and delivered them into the hand of spoilers, until he had cast them out of his sight.” 2 Kings 17:18,20
Am I to understand it correctly that God had removed the "jooz" from their land? and "My people will perish for the lack of knowledge" If you are not accepting the Jesus for what he was you will perish (even non-Jesus believing, believing in Torah/Talmud will be destroyed because they are NOT God's people anymore?)
My first attempts to answer your comment are based only on what you said in your actual comment above since all earlier attempts to open the link you provided would not work, but now, after sending the comments below, I tried again and the link is now working, I see the article, but the author has absolutely no idea what he is talking about, the Jews are not the goyim, they are a constantly self-reincarnating closed network soul group that is actually non-human and quite alien to Earth.
The grandiose megalomaniac Rabbi Menachem Schneerson states that the Jews are an entirely different and superior species to human beings on this planet in both spiritual terms of the soul and in terms of the physical body, as he states that the Jews alone have physical bodies that only appear to Gentile human beings as ordinary physical matter, but Rabbi Schneerson says that the actual inner nature of this matter of a Jew's body is actually multidimensional and entirely beyond the ability of a Gentile to see or understand.
That reminds me of quite a few Star Trek episodes, but that was basically a Jewish-created series and of course, they would never create any story line in any episode that even closely approximates to the pure evil that the Jews themselves are actually up to as that might actually be too revealing and give the Gentiles too much of a heads up.
Things for instance like kapparot, the most obscenely evil black magic ritual blood sacrifice engaged in every year by every Jew or by rabbis on behalf of other Jews by passing all the bad karma of a Jew each year onto an innocent other soul, sometimes a chicken, sometimes a kidnapped human Gentile child that is very slowly and agonizingly mentally and physically tortured to death and drained of blood to produce adrenochrome-rich ritual blood wine that is then passed around the general Jewish community by the rabbis performing the sacrifices, which is an LSD-type drug that enables the Jews to more easily attain their preferred lower-dimensional state of consciousness that is very dark, heavy and evil indeed.
A Jew may do to a non-Jewess what he can do. He may treat her as he treats a piece of meat.
Hadarine, 20, B; Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348
Since the first time this warlike godless soul group arrived en masse to invade and conquer this planet by psychic means originally in discarnate form, firstly, in order to actually enter this world in what is a new dimension of gross physical matter for them, these multidimensional shape-changers stole human outer form by clothing themselves in some of this new matter in this dimension in order to appear as humans among us and be able to exploit us unsuspectedly, which may have been around the beginning of Kali Yuga around 5,000 years ago, though other possibilities exist for this actual time.
But this soul group of the Jews have added or brought with them other-dimensional matter which makes their bodies quite different to ours, and their consciousness may well be primarily based not in this world or dimension in some ways, but rather in another dimension, even their previous dimension that they prefer that they say they desire to fully return to.
We can see real Gentile human history has been greatly distorted, that ancient highly advanced Gentile human achievements in cultural, scientific and spiritual fields very suddenly vanished and things have gone very badly indeed since around this time.
By forcefully incarnating in a criminal manner first in powerful and influential Gentile families all over the world in every race and people they wished to control, this invading criminal terrorist soul group would have been able to use their stolen positions to very quickly totally sabotage many cultures all over the globe, very quickly resulting in the invading soul group alone then having access to ancient highly advanced technologies and the Gentiles themselves being convinced by fake history and miseducation over many years that they had never even had any of these things in the first place.
But in India today, the university students there are told the real truth, that in ancient India they possessed television and advanced space craft and more.
In ancient Egypt for instance even 10,000 years ago and longer ago, the pyramids were energy generators, water pumps, recharging devices for antigravity craft, and even had restorative rejuvenation and healing chambers according to one author, enabling immensely long lifespans.
The Irish seer Om Seti reliably told of her past life in ancient Egypt, which she was able to prove by repeatedly precisely locating ancient bulidings that archaeologists there could not find at all, she told of ancient Egyptian science of physical teleportation of human beings across vast distances from within certain buildings designed for that purpose that was able to take place then.
Some dark anti-human power has clearly suppressed and concealed our own ancient scientific knowledge from us and now holds us all prisoner in a deliberately hellish war and disease-stricken artificial massively antiquated false reality, giving us trinkets like CD prayers and OLED screen TV's while they themselves are accessing other dimensions and travelling to the stars according to some. A number of vast space structures in orbit around the Earth that are not made public lend some credence to the idea that the space program is vastly more advanced and accomplished than the general public are being told.
Then this hostile and malevolent anti-human soul group invaded, stole and suppressed almost all the humans' spiritual power and certainly all the advanced technologies of the Gentiles, and guess who runs all the CERN and NASA space programs and nuclear research etc. while constantly lying about what they are really doing and who for while they milk our world dry? The Jews.
But we Gentiles will never really see any benefits from that ourselves, it is all being stolen for the parasitic 'elite' soul group who invented the Jewish religion, and of course we see many so-called Christians and Muslims and Hindus very paradoxically solidly backing the Jews all the way, while the Jewish religion states clearly that all Christians and members of all other non-Jewish religions are to be killed (of course to totally suppress any potential revival of genuine spiritual and psychic senses among the Gentiles that might permit the Gentile Earth peoples to see what these criminal shape-changing non-human interlopers really are and what they are really doing).
So these are clearly crypto-Jewish fake Christians and so on working with the invaders.
They all possess a unique haplotyope genomic sequence necessary by law before any of them can be granted citizenship in Israel, this is a matter of fact, so all the Jews in Israel have this, and of course, all the crypto-Jews going by other names will also have that, enabling the possessing of multidimensional siddhic abilities beyond the purview of the average human's dormant psychic and spiritual senses, though the Jews heavily misuse these siddhis in a very ungodly, callous and parasitic black magic manner that is clearly heavily hostile against all other life in this dimension.
Sadly, a very brutish and savage materialistic conception of the nature of existence is seeminly incorrigibly embedded in this soul group resulting in the Jews and crypto-Jews envying and hating God and attacking His creation and all His other creatures.
During the time of Kali Yuga, which began about 5,000 years ago according to some calculations, barriers between some of the different material dimensions become less well-maintained and able to be broken through even by illicit means, and this is what has happened when these spiritually lower dimensional but otherwise psychically advanced souls have broken into this dimension with totally ungodly purpose.
The Jews cleverly adopt all guises even as crypto-Jews. Do not bother wondering about family line histories, they can take any foetus in any woman's womb and incarnate in that at will, the occult writer Alexandre David Neel wrote of her travels in Tibet where she recorded speaking with Tibetan monks who told her of black magicians who can forcefully steal a human body even from an adult human being and force the resident soul out permanently and then live lifelong within than stolen physical vehicle themselves, pure parasitism, next level warfare that is actually very ancient, and likely a dark skill that was not developed on this planet, likely arriving with the very same soul group that invented the Jewish religion here on Earth as a cover to appear 'religious' to enable them to pull the wool over people's eyes in the political, financial and social arenas.
Rabbi Michael Laitman reveals more about the true nature and intention of the Jews here, mentioning how they infiltrate as 'spiritual commandos' with the real intent of conquering this entire planet, adopting the appearance of different human races and peoples as a subterfuge. The title says it all:
Rabbi: Jews are Not of This World; We’re Sent to Conquer It
I am really appreciating what you are sharing here. It's clear you know what we are dealing with and it is so good to have someone commenting at this depth. I wish I knew who you were. Thank you. And I came across that Laitman video about 8 years ago? He's not pulling any punches and is telling people straight up what they are and what they are here to do.
Thankyou for your continued interest, it is always a pleasure researching and trying to contribute to the edification of others.
It does not say anything like that, the meaning of the scripture is completely different to what you say it is in the first line of your comment.
None of the different groups of Jews that are supposed to be opposing each other do so in Israel, where they all live happily together, even the Neturei Karta living there who ridiculously say as part of a controlled psyop that they do not accept Israel existing at this present time, and even the Neturei Karta themselves are ultimately Zionists too anyway as the Neturei Karta state that while they think God (their twisted Jewish anti-spiritual idea of God) does not accept Israel existing now, they still live in Israel, taking full advantage of what Israel gives them and they very obviously support Israel while living there, and they do believe in an Israel coming into existence later anyway when their moshiach comes, and that would mean the removal of the Palestinians even then too, and that arrival or incarnation of their moshiach is clearly felt to be imminent as Israel keeps importing red heifers ready for a ritual blood sacrifice to be made for purification for when the moshiach finally comes.
And Chief Commonwealth Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis states that Zionism is essential to Judaism and is inseparable from it, and that being against Zionism is akin to being anti-Semitic.
All Jews are real Jews, all believe in the Torah, there is no Jewish group that does not accept and believe in the Torah, the Torah states that all Gentiles will be killed in the entire world, and that even all memory of them is then to be totally erased from the minds of all Jews when the Jews alone then 'inherit' (seize) the world for themselves.
How much the Jews must really hate all Gentiles in their rabid Jewish insanity when they feel it necessary even for any memory of all Gentiles in the entire world to be completely erased, and how much more suspect then are their real Jewish reasons for wanting to live in our Gentile nations right now in light of this, they are obviously really up to no good while living
here, especially as Jewish rabbis are openly saying all 585 million whites in Europe must all be made to die as Second Rome amalek, and then all the rest of the whites living anywhere else in all the rest of the world are to be killed as well, all 800 milllion of us which is all the whites in the entire world, and to kill especially all whites in the world first of all has been the Jewish rabbinical directive to all Jews for 2,000 years now, while the directive for all Gentiles in the entire world to be killed comes originally from the Torah, is repeated in the Talmud and later in the Zohar.
The Torah was originally transmitted only in oral form from 5,500 years ago, till 3,000 years ago when it most of it was written down, with a portion of the most secret Torah teachings and their real inner meanings kept to be tranmitted only by direct oral means directly from the rabbis.
This 'inherit' euphemism really means Jews are to take the world by any and all means. Rabbis state openly today how they will instigate wars between peoples of different Gentile nations to get the Gentile peoples of various nations to kill each other for the Jews in order for the Jews to eventually have the entire world to themselves alone.
And of course, the Jews wage war against all Gentile humanity unsuspected, they use their infiltrated crypto-Jewish politicians in many nations and their dupes to give out Israeli-instigated COVID bioweapon ethnobomb clot shots (now ridiculously blamed by Jewish agents on the American DOD and the 'Chicoms') that cause the COVID itself, by containing self-replicating nanotechnology and even the SV40 virus (tweaked by exposure years ago to a particle accelerator to give it gain of function and make it even more lethal to humans),
that is now causing an epidemic of turbo-cancer in COVID shot recipients.
And the COVID shots contain gene-altering technology that sterilizes only non-Jewish recipients, as all Jews alone have a unique haploid genomic sequence peculiar to them alone that acts in this case like the Passover mark of lambs' blood on their door lintels when the angel of death passes over Jewish people's houses in the night. Other gene-altering technology in the shots deletes a gene frorm the Gentile human genome that then prevents the COVID shot recipients from resisting the proliferation of cancer cells caused by the tweaked SV40 cancer-causing virus.
Pfizer admitted that one of the 'side effects' of their COVID jabs is 'COVID PNEUMONIA' as stated in a forced disclosure after a court hearing.
Just as in Isaiah 9:2, infiltrated Jewish politicians planted in Gentile governments set Gentile nations against each other, as in the US, Ukraine and Russia today, all run by Jews, even when Biden was in office, as he is a proven crypto-Jew faking being a Christian too, like Putin, and Putin is a Chabad Lubavitcher red thread-wearing Jew as is Zelensky too, as is Trump now too since he officially converted to Chabad Lubavitcher in 2017, like many other already Jewish people, even crypto-Jewish people convert to Chabad Lubavitcher too.
And even the Neturei Karta Jews who duped people think are 'good Jews' because they are supposed to not believe in the state of Israel existing now while they are actually taking advantage of Israel by living in it, will of course naturally pay heed to that part of the Torah, the part about there not being supposed to be any Gentiles left alive.
There are lots of Judaic scriptural references to actually killing all Gentiles. The rabbis of various groups claim the Noahide Laws are based on the Torah. Some of the Torah and its secret inner meanings are still only orally transmitted to Jews directly from their rabbis themselves surely to keep the most secret knowledge from being accessed and read in print by any Gentile.
In direct relation to Deuteronomy 20:16 from the Torah Old Testament, which says to kill and leave no living thing alive that breathes, Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi and other rabbis of the varying rabbinical groups have clearly stated that the Noahide Laws are based on the Torah itself, with the Torah universally accepted by all different Jewish groups.
Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi states that on the authority of these Torah-based Noahide Laws, that 6 to 6.5 BILLION Gentiles will be KILLED just for 'contravening' the 'law' against idolatry, and then there are other Noahide 'laws' with death penalties too that can only be carried out against Gentiles, as according to these same laws, ONLY Gentiles are to be killed for breaking any of these laws, and never any Jew.
Trump was long ago recognised by Israel as being the most fervent supporter ever of the Noahide Laws out of all POTUS's when he was POTUS before.
The Jews believe in gilgul, consciously controlled reincarnation, I have talked with many Jews over the years in physical person who have told me they can do fully conscious controlled astral projection at will.
And when any Jew dies, being earthbound souls because they have rejected God, they must reincarnate constantly again and again only ever as Jews for hundreds of times over usually, but they may also choose occasionally for purposes of political infiltration to incarnate as crypto-Jewish souls within any Gentile group at any level, even within powerful Gentile political dynasties, while still being functioning crypto-Jews for purposes of undermining the Gentile peoples in a thoroughly military fashion, while using their elevated positions in any Gentile society to enable even more Jews to take up powerful positions by other means to subjugate all Gentiles ever more quickly.
Trump claims he comes from a Christian family, so did Biden, so did the UK PM Boris Johnson, but all have been fully exposed and proven to be actually Jewish all the time, and them having said they are Christians is how they duped people into letting them stand for election first of all.
But really, all Jews belong to a criminal terrorist death cult and should be banned from standing for election in any Gentile nation, and all Jews should have their citizenship rescinded in all Gentile nations and then get deported for presenting a clear and present lethal danger to all human life in any Gentile nation.
The Jewish religion itself is only a highly sinister megalomaniac political movemernt in disguise and not any genuine spiritually-based movement and it must be banned as a criminal terrorist death cult in every nation worldwide under international laws, and Israel itelf must be totally delegitimized under UN ruling and all of Palestine must be returned to the Palestinians alone, the true and only just 'one state solution'.
After all, what 'rights' except the noose or the firing squad should any criminal terrorist death cult such as the Jewish death cult be allowed to have when its self-stated aim is the total enslavement and subsequent eventual total physical extermination of every single last Gentile in the entire world, and then even the sending of all Gentile souls to hell under the Angel Duma as is stated to be intended to occur in the Jewish Zohar.
Just as these pathologically insane violently marauding Jewish maniacs as self-stated members of this cult with its scripturally-stated intentions do not not wish any Gentile to survive or have children or ever again incarnate on this entire planet, let that be the fate of every Jew in the entire world instead, or people can just choose instead if they want to let the murderous Jews keep living among them, this is the ultimate survival fitness test.
Either we Gentiles will live on this planet alone, or the Jews will live on this planet alone, there is no middle way, no alternative, and any Gentile saying otherwise can only be regarded as being one with the Jews because they are treacherously seeking to maintain the invading Jewish parasite enemy in their position to harm and kill all of us Gentiles. I am saying this here to all Gentiles in general who may read this.
But again, crypto-Jewish fake Christian, Muslim and Hindu politicians in Gentile nations open the flood gates for still more of these parasites and their Muslim footsoldiers to get into Gentile lands in the first place, that is their MO.
It is actually fake Gentiles who are the problem, not fake Jews.
Jewish Talmudic Quotes - Facts Are Facts
From Acharya S
To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.
Libbre David 37
A Jew should and must make a false oath when the Goyim asks if our books contain anything against them.
Szaaloth-Utszabot, The Book of Jore Dia 17
We beg Thee, O Lord, indict Thy wrath on the nations not believing in Thee, and not calling on Thy name. Let down Thy wrath on them and inflict them with Thy wrath. Drive them away in Thy wrath and crush them into pieces. Take away, O Lord, all bone from them. In a moment indict all disbelievers. Destroy in a moment all foes of Thy nation. Draw out with the root, disperse and ruin unworthy nations. Destroy them! Destroy them immediately, in this very moment!
Prayer said on the eve of Passover (Pranajtis: Christianus in Talmudae Judeorum, quotations from: Synagoga Judaica)
Happy will be the lost of Israel, whom the Holy One, blessed be He, has chosen from amongst the Goyim, of whom the Scriptures say: "Their work is but vanity, it is an illusion at which we must laugh; they will all perish when God visits them in His wrath." At the moment when the Holy One, blessed be He, will exterminate all the Goyim of the world, Israel alone will subsist, even as it is written: "The Lord alone will appear great on that day!...
Zohar, Vayshlah 177b
That the Jewish nation is the only nation selected by God, while all the remaining ones are contemptible and hateful.
That all property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation, which consequently is entitled to seize upon it without any scruples. An orthodox Jew is not bound to observe principles of morality towards people of other tribes. He may act contrary to morality, if profitable to himself or to Jews in general.
A Jew may rob a Goy, he may cheat him over a bill, which should not be perceived by him, otherwise the name of God would become dishonoured.
Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat, 348
Kill the Goyim by any means possible.
Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50
Everyone who sheds the blood of the impious [non-Jews] is as acceptable to God as he who offers a sacrifice to God.
Yalkut 245c
Extermination of the Christians is a necessary sacrifice.
Zohar, Shemoth
All Israelites will have a part in the future world... The Goyim, at the end of the world will be handed over to the angel Duma and sent down to hell.
Zohar, Shemoth, Toldoth Noah, Lekh-Lekha
Jews should rightly not be foolishly permitted to have any nation or any rights at all anywhere in the entire world.
The art of war morons.
Easy to vote for someone different when the previous Epstien Bolshevik controlled government was murdering people with the poison dhot. Idiots.
Juss walk O'er them that choose to disregard and ill treat -
Believe it or not -
What you got to do, is to love and learn to be loved in this world. Not a matter of race, color, religion or the HORSE shite of it all.
It is specifically, a matter of wit, wittiness and or witticisms.
Do love your neighbors.
Do not covet them -
It is not a matter of their amount or type of hair.
Do be dubious -
Do be curious -
Hold them close -
As their are presumably,
Thy enemy -
In my homestead, I have a resident skunk.
Been living under the porch, two years.
Maybe more.
I am aware of it's lingering presents
Mostly by the pungent odor they present.
Yet, for me, I am not daunted.
To be sure - It is also,
Acutely, aware of me.
For, I Do eat meat -
Surely, it t'wd be a treat.
I do not seek it out.
Nor do it, seek me.
Yet, we both, strive to survive.
We have nothing to worry or,
For that matter, to contrive.
Blessings ~ Depswah
Keep your enemies (or so you may think), close to the vest. Learn of them. Appreciate them. Understand you both. Lest of all, do not be too quick to judge - Lest ye become the worst of them.
Blessings ~
Our lives have become, entwined.
For the I thankfully rewind.
Blessings ~