This is propaganda on steroids.

The international crime syndicate which runs the world is actually the covert Roman Empire and using the Jews as employees is one of their favourite games. Jews are human shields for the European aristocrats who undoubtedly pay Stew Peters a great deal of money to continue with this deception.

So Stew can rest his larynx and stfu.

We know the truth now.

Oh and while I am here.... if you believe a word from Ken O'Thief you have a very short memory about his activities.


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go somewhere else you lying creep.

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Yes there's some truth to this. They do use the "people who think they're Jews" for sure to hide behind. All religion is a psyop against consciousness but many "Jews" are willing to do the dirty work. Look at the IDF and what they do to Palestinians. It's atrocious... many are starting to resist their marching orders and realizing.

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great rant I agree. I think this is an awesome development. ok Stew is controlled so is Ken Okeefe - but even if this is an entirely synthetic effort to control the rising awakening of the general population to the reality of Judaic supremacist infiltration- it merely confirms the Jews are running scared that they are losing control of the narrative and are desperate to get in front of the wave. The Jews have a very long history of shooting themselves in the proverbial foot again and again due to their own behaviour. Karma is a bitch, and this time it's not a wave, it's a Tsunami of cosmic retribution coming for them.

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Possibly controlled to take people's prana away from their own creativity and life, but needs to be said. I personally like him but def have good sources that James Okeefe, Charlie Kirk and Jim Jordan are frequent Bohemian Grove goers.

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Love Max Igan

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Soldier=soul die er

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Thank you for sharing. The Overlords use the "Jews" people to hide behind. There's no such thing as "Jews" I think. According to their narrative, King Solomon had 3,000 wives and concubine with pagan women from other countries, so how could there be a bloodline lol? Not that it matters...

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Trump 45th and 47th....4+5=9 and 4+7=11 so 9/11

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That's not Mike Pomp lol. I don't care how skinny he got, that ain't him. Most of them wear those masks and many are transgender too.

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Yes 🔥 btw. Would love to hear Stew have a convo with Etieene Dela Boettie. We stopped paying taxes and funding criminal terrorist organizations years ago. They called us "non essential " so fxxx them.

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Yes, this is all I hear from clients (as a hairstylist) and my Mom is from Germany and lived thru the true Hitler narrative. It's grueling. Lol, thank you.

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i am soooooo confused as to how they are allowing this information to come to light...stu peters is def controlled opp like anyone in the mainstream media or any public figure talking head; ie joe,elon, tucker, alex...you get the jist...i am glad this message is getting out but there is a big part of me that does not trust this narrative fully because of who is disclosing it...very interesting, we shall see!!!

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look at the black nobility etc trolls piling on - confirms you are over the target

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I only see one troll here and that is you.

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