About your big work on the whole gestation-birthing process, you'll keep going even if you see only small results. You're depositing precious seeds in the greater 'field'. Major change does not materialize fast, and of course you know this.

I have the same frustration in my work. But it's not the 'results' that we can rely upon in these early stages of the big process - it's our constant dedication to the substance of the calling, the energy to continue is there, and it feeds on our occasional moments of disappointment and lonely consciousness.

And yes, we do have more togetherness with animals nowadays than with humans.

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You are beautiful sister. Thank you for your heartfelt and special comment. Would you like to do another interview with me Enna? This time I will publish it on my stack and RBN will air it - but not live.

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Dear Jeanice,

I feel for you and the felines, it has been equally hard for me... I have had exactly the same thing happen out here on the other side of the planet, with my cats. Same 'pictures' as what you show. That 'disease' seems to hit only young cats, one of my mature ones had it in a moderate way and healed quite fast. Others haven't been affected at all.

So we're dealing with something that has nothing to do with 'transmission of viruses'.

Something life-hating 'out there' that the cats are expressing - confirming how connected they are to the subtle realms, by the way, and showing it to us fur us to 'do something about it'.

I don't subject my furry friends to vet ministrations (they're useless at best out here).

Anyway, this is beyond 'medicine', and somewhere inside our subtle selves they key is waiting to be found.

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I so would like to find the key. Love is the best thing I am offering right now, along with activated charcoal to pull out the poison, clay, colloidal silver - especially for the eyes - and a bit of extra taurine. All the babies are all still alive, which is a feat in itself. But the eyes -- it's so painful to see what they are going through.

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I did the same kinds of remedies - worked more or less. Not sure what 'worked' or didn't 'work'... Why did anything 'work' for one of them, not for another, dunno.

Taurine - so you add it to food, meaning they are drinking and eating? If so, that's good, the healing would come from more energy inside their little bodies (like it does in us too). If they're sneezing and coughing, also good - they're purging the poison out (I had one with a permanently stuffy nose that couldn't sneeze, and wouldn't let me use stuff to soften it). The eyes - silver in my experience didn't help, indicating that it isn't a 'regular infection'. They're purging toxins of some weird kind. I ended up wiping the crud from the eyes several times a day with a bit of water. That gave them a couple of hours to be their normal kitteny selves. It occurs to me now that I could have used a bit of spittle.

As for 'the key' - your loving care is the most obvious 'tip of the key', what it is beyond that doesn't have a name. And you can project to them the smiling certainty that they're healing... rather than the pain of 'painful to see what they're going through'.

Keep up the good caring, Mama Cat!

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Thank you for these suggestions Enna. I will take your advice and stop with the colloidal silver. It doesn't seem to be helping anyway. And yes, I too wipe their eyes several times a day (2-3 times). They are playing like crazy - even the one who I think may be totally blind. That little kitty is TOUGH! You should see that kitten play. I am AMAZED at how strong he/she is. I don't know if they are male or female yet. I need to learn how to identify that at such a young age.

Anyway, I do believe they will all make it. And if need be, they will remain with me for their lifetimes. That in itself is quite a surprise. I was planning to use the chicken coop for chickens, but alas, life took a different turn. As much as I'd like to let the roam free, there are real hazards here in the sticks with coyotes and hawks eating cats, and the busy road I live on.

We shall see how it all turn out. Thank you for good wishes and I will, for sure, continue to love them.

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Ahhh, so you're a new Mama Kat! Congratulations!

If they're 'playing like crazy' then no worries - just keep wiping the eyes, and moisten the stuff that gets crusty and blinds the babies. It's if they're listless and not playing that one can get worried.

As for feline sexology, they're big enough from what I see on your pics for you to tell. Just look a few times and you'll see the difference...

They'll eventually want more space than the chicken coop - smile... You'll find a way. They'll be happy to join you inside the house too, where they'll find their respective favorite nooks and crannies. Or pile up on top of each other to sleep and dream the feline dream...

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Alas - I have a 16-year-old cat who does not take well to other cats, especially if one dares to step foot in the house. So it will not be possible for them to come in the house. I must find a Plan B.

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